曆任日本乳酸菌學會理事、日本酪農科學學會理事、日本腸内細菌學會理事、國際酪農連盟(IDF)日本支部專門委員、FEMS Immunology and Medical Immunology等國際學術雜志編委。
現任中國營養學會益生菌益生元與健康分會副主任委員,中國食品科學技術學會乳酸菌分會理事、中國營養學會老年分會委員、四川省營養學會理事、四川省營養學會老年分會主任委員, Clinical Intervention in Aging、Nutrients,Beneficial Microbes,中國微生态,現代預防醫學等學術雜志編委。長期從事腸道微生物及益生菌領域相關基礎理論研究、以及應用的技術及産品開發,在各種國際學術雜志上發表過各種學術論文,著書及相關文章約200餘篇(SCI論文100餘篇,被引用次數近2000次、單篇被引用最高次數近300次,單篇最高影響因子14.0)、先後承擔過多項國家自然科學基金及省部級,日本農林水産省競争性研究基金等大型科研項目。
[1]Anti-allergic effects of two potential probiotic strains isolated from infant feces in China.Journal of Functional Foods. 2022, 92
[2]Antibiotic cocktail-induced gut microbiota depletion in different stages could cause host cognitive impairment and emotional disorders in adulthood in different manners.Neurobiol Disease.2022,170:105757
[3]Lacticaseibacillus paracasei K56 Attenuates High-Fat Diet-Induced Obesity by Modulating the Gut Microbiota in Mice.Probiotics Antimicrob Proteins.2022,24
[4]Breastfeeding might partially contribute to gut microbiota construction and stabilization of propionate metabolism in cesarean-section infants.European Journal of Nutrition.2022,29
[5]Heat-inactivated Lacticaseibacillus paracasei N1115 alleviates the damage due to brain function caused by long-term antibiotic cocktail exposure in mice.BMC Neurosci.2022,26;23(1):38
[6]Long-term use of Lacticaseibacillus paracasei N1115 from early life alleviates high-fat-diet-induced obesity and dysmetabolism in mice. Beneficial Microbes.2022,16;13(5):407-416.
[7]Maternal gestational Bifidobacteriumbifidum TMC3115 treatment shapesconstruction of offspring gutmicrobiota and development ofimmune system and induces immunetolerance to food allergen.Front. Cell. Infect. Microbiol 2022,12:1045109.
[8].The Effect of Breast Milk Microbiota on the Composition of Infant Gut Microbiota: A Cohort Study.Nutrients.2022; 14(24):5397.
[9]Orlistat and ezetimibe could differently alleviate the high-fat diet-induced obesity phenotype by modulating the gut microbiota.Frontier inMicrobiology. 2022,15;13:908327.
[10].Distinctive Gut Microbiota in Patients with Overweight and Obesity with Dyslipidemia and its Responses to Long-term Orlistat and Ezetimibe Intervention: A Randomized Controlled Open-label Trial. Front Pharmacol. 2021,26;12:732541.
[11] Impacts of ceftriaxone exposure during pregnancy on maternal gut and placental microbiota and its influence on maternal and offspring immunity in mice. Experimental Animals, 2021,13;70(2):203-217.
[12]Species- and Age/Generation-Dependent Adherence of Bifidobacterium bifidum to Human Intestinal Mucus In Vitro.Microorganisms. 2021,5;9(3):542.
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