主持多項國家級、省部級課題,近三年以第一/通訊作者發表SCI論文24篇,3年影響因子124,平均影響因子大于5分,其中包括Statistics in Medicine、Spatial Statistics、Biometrics、Statistica Neerlandica等權威統計學期刊上發表的系列發法學研究,在Journal of Cleaner Production、Environmental Pollution、Science of the Total Environment、Chemosphere等環境科學頂級期刊發表的環境科學研究以及Human Reproduction、Acta Biomaterialia等臨床、生物頂級期刊發表的臨床、基礎醫學相關研究。
1.Huang J, Li X, Zhang Y, Zhai S, Wang W, Zhang T, Yin F, Ma Y. Socio-demographic characteristics and inequality in exposure to PM2.5: A case study in the Sichuan basin, China. Environmental Pollution. 2023;316(Pt 2):120630.
2.Zhai S, Zhang Y, Huang J, Li X, Wang W, Zhang T, Yin F, Ma Y. Exploring the detailed spatiotemporal characteristics of PM2.5: Generating a full-coverage and hourly PM2.5 dataset in the Sichuan Basin, China. Chemosphere. 2023;310:136786.
3.Luo C, Qian J, Liu Y, Lv Q, Ma Y, Yin F. Long-term air pollution levels modify the relationships between short-term exposure to meteorological factors, air pollution and the incidence of hand, foot and mouth disease in children: a DLNM-based multicity time series study in Sichuan Province, China. BMC Public Health. 2022;22(1):1484.
4.Wang W, Li L, Li S, Yin F, Liao F, Zhang T, Li X, Xiao X, Ma Y. Average ordinary least squares‐centered penalized regression: A more efficient way to address multicollinearity than ridge regression. Statistica Neerlandica. 2022;n/a(n/a):347-68.
5.Wang W, Xiao X, Qian J, Chen S, Liao F, Yin F, Zhang T, Li X, Ma Y. Reclaiming independence in spatial-clustering datasets: A series of data-driven spatial weights matrices. Statistics in medicine. 2022;41(15):2939-56.
6.Zhang Y, Zhai S, Huang J, Li X, Wang W, Zhang T, Yin F, Ma Y. Estimating high-resolution PM2.5 concentration in the Sichuan Basin using a random forest model with data-driven spatial autocorrelation terms. J Clean Prod. 2022;380:134890.
7.Huang J, Ma Y, Lv Q, Liu Y, Zhang T, Yin F, Shui T. Interactive effects of meteorological factors and air pollutants on hand, foot, and mouth disease in Chengdu, China: a time-series study. BMJ Open. 2022;12(11):e067127.
8.Liu Y, Bo R, Zhao X-D, Ma Y. Sex differences in short- and mid-term survival in femoral neck fracture patients aged over 90 years: A retrospective cohort study. Asian Journal of Surgery. 2022.
9.Tao JW, Ma Y, Zhuang XF, Lv Q, Liu YQ, Zhang T, Yin F. How to improve infectious disease prediction by integrating environmental data: an application of a novel ensemble analysis strategy to predict HFMD. Epidemiology and infection. 2021;149:e34.
10.Tao JW, Ma Y, Luo CY, Huang JQ, Zhang T, Yin F. Summary of the COVID-19 epidemic and estimating the effects of emergency responses in China. Scientific Reports. 2021;11(1):717.
11.Luo CY, Ma Y, Jiang P, Zhang T, Yin F. The construction and visualization of the transmission networks for COVID-19: A potential solution for contact tracing and assessments of epidemics. Scientific Reports. 2021;11(1):8605.
12.Bo Z, Ma Y, Chang Z, Zhang T, Liu F, Zhao X, Long L, Yi X, Xiao X, Li Z. The spatial heterogeneity of the associations between relative humidity and pediatric hand, foot and mouth disease: Evidence from a nation-wide multicity study from mainland China. The Science of the total environment. 2020;707:136103.
13.Yang F, Ma Y, Liu F, Zhao X, Fan C, Hu Y, Hu K, Chang Z, Xiao X. Short-term effects of rainfall on childhood hand, foot and mouth disease and related spatial heterogeneity: evidence from 143 cities in mainland China. BMC Public Health. 2020;20(1):1528.
14.Peng D, Ma Y, Liu Y, Lv Q, Yin F. Epidemiological and aetiological characteristics of hand, foot, and mouth disease in Sichuan Province, China, 2011–2017. Scientific Reports. 2020;10(1):6117.
15.Wang W, Zhang T, Yin F, Xiao X, Chen S, Zhang X, Li X, Ma Y. Using the maximum clustering heterogeneous set-proportion to select the maximum window size for the spatial scan statistic. Sci Rep. 2020;10(1):4900.
16.Zhou W, Peng X, Ma Y, Hu Y, Wu Y, Lan F, Weir MD, Li M, Ren B, Oates TW, Xu HHK, Zhou X, Cheng L. Two-staged time-dependent materials for the prevention of implant-related infections. Acta Biomater. 2020;101:128-40.
17.Wu H, Ma Y, Peng X, Qiu W, Kong L, Ren B, Li M, Cheng G, Zhou X, Cheng L. Antibiotic-induced dysbiosis of the rat oral and gut microbiota and resistance to Salmonella. Arch Oral Biol. 2020;114:104730.
18.Wang W, Zhang T, Yin F, Xiao X, Chen SQ, Zhang XY, Li XS, Ma Y. Using the maximum clustering heterogeneous set-proportion to select the maximum window size for the spatial scan statistic. Scientific Reports. 2020;10(1):4900.
19.Peng D, Ma Y, Liu Y, Lv Q, Yin F. Epidemiological and aetiological characteristics of hand, foot, and mouth disease in Sichuan Province, China, 2011-2017. Sci Rep. 2020;10(1):6117.
20.Luo C, Ma Y, Liu Y, Lv Q, Yin F. The burden of childhood hand-foot-mouth disease morbidity attributable to relative humidity: a multicity study in the Sichuan Basin, China. Sci Rep. 2020;10(1):19394.
21.Hu Y, Liu F, Zhao X, Ma Y, Lan T, Yang F, Chang Z, Xiao X, Li Z. The modification effect of the diurnal temperature range on the exposure-response relationship between temperature and pediatric hand, foot and mouth disease. The Science of the total environment. 2020;722:137921.
22.刁莎,陳玲慰,馬越,張韬.數據包絡分析在衛生統計學個性化學習中的運用.中國衛生統計. 2019.
23.嶽廷妍,張昱勤,李曉松,馬越,張韬.數據缺失機制識别及處理的标準化流程及集成系統.現代預防醫學. 2019.
24.易曉巍,伯貞豔,蔣小輝,馬越.非梗阻性無精子症患者細針抽吸取精失敗風險預測模型.現代預防醫學. 2019.
25.王維,陳詩琪,殷菲,劉雅瓊,呂強,馬越.空間聚集性數據的空間模式回歸研究——以四川手足口病為例.現代預防醫學. 2019;46(05):769-72+76.
26.李林鍵,殷菲,伯貞豔,蔣小輝,張韬,馬越.基于零膨脹負二項回歸的非梗阻性無精症患者細針抽吸術後鏡檢精子計數預測研究.現代預防醫學. 2019.
27.陳詩琪,王維,殷菲,肖雄,劉雅瓊,呂強,馬越.基于數據驅動思想的空間掃描統計量核心參數組合選擇研究-以四川省手足口病為例.現代預防醫學. 2019(02):198-205.
28.陳玲慰,刁莎,馬越,張韬.基于學生視角探究翻轉課堂模式在《衛生統計學》教學中的應用效果.現代預防醫學. 2019;46(06):1148-52.
29.Zhang T, Ma Y, Xiao X, Lin Y, Zhang X, Yin F, Li X. Dynamic Bayesian network in infectious diseases surveillance: a simulation study. Sci Rep. 2019;9(1):10376.
30.Yin F, Ma Y, Zhao X, Lv Q, Liu Y, Li X, Zhang T. Analysis of the effect of PM10 on hand, foot and mouth disease in a basin terrain city. Sci Rep. 2019;9(1):3233.
31.Ma Y, Li F, Wang L, Zhao W, Li D, Xian Y, Jiang X. A risk prediction model of sperm retrieval failure with fine needle aspiration in males with non-obstructive azoospermia. Human Reproduction. 2018;34(2):200-8.
32.彭迪,劉雅瓊,呂強,馬越,殷菲.基于MCS-P的四川省手足口病空間聚集性研究.現代預防醫學. 2018;45(22):4038-42+69.
基于空間聚集性和相近相似性構建空間權重矩陣的方法, CN202210585155.0