Peiyuan Qiu, Miao Zeng, Weihong Kuang, Steven Siyao Meng, Yan Cai, Huali Wang, Yang Wan. Heterogeneity in the Dynamic Change of Cognitive Function amongOlder Chinese People: A Growth Mixture Model.IntJ Geriatr Psychiatry. 2020; 35:1123-1133
Wei Hong Kuang,MingyueGao, Liantian Tian, Yang Wan,Peiyuan Qiu(通訊作者).Trends in thePrevalenceofCognitive Impairment in Chineseolderadults: based on the CLHLS cohorts from 1998 to 2014. International Health. 2020; 12:378-387
Weina Zhang, Han Liu, Vincent Michael Bernard Silenzio,Peiyuan Qiu(共同通訊), Wenjie Going. Machine Learning Models for the Prediction of Postpartum Depression: Application and Comparison Based on a Cohort Study.JMIR Medical Informatics. 2020; 8(4): e15516
Zhenyan Bo, Yang Wan, Steven S. Meng, Tengfei Lin, Weihong Kuang, Lijun Jiang,Peiyuan Qiu(通訊作者). The temporal trend and distribution characteristics in mortality of Alzheimer¢sdisease and other forms of dementia in China: based on the National Mortality Surveillance System (NMS) from 2009 to 2015.PLOS ONE. 2019, 14 (1): e0210621.
Tian, F., Meng, S.S.,Qiu, P.Y(通訊作者). Childhood adversities and mid-late depressive symptoms over the life course: Evidence from the China health and retirement longitudinal study.J. Affect. Disord. 2019, 245, 668–678.
伯貞豔,況偉宏,王陽,陳崗,熊青蓉,邱培媛(通訊作者).成都市社區老年人認知功能受損狀況及影響因素研究.澳门新葡萄新京威尼斯學報(醫學版),2018, 49(5):759-764
Fan Tian,Peiyuan Qiu(通訊作者). Childhood adversities and mid-late depressive symptoms over the life course: evidence from a retrospective cohort study in China.Lancet, 2018, 392: S52
DanShan,Peiyuan Qiu, Yuxia Wu, Qian Chen, Ailin Li, Sivakumar Ramadoss, Ranran Wang, Yayi Hu. Pregnancy Outcomes in Women of Advanced Maternal Age: a Retrospective Cohort Study from China.Scientific Reports. 2018,8:12239.
Jiang Xue, Shulin Chen, Jiaming Nang,Peiyuan Qiu. TheRegional Disparity of Social Support and Cognitive Functioning Among Elders in Rural China.International Journal of Behavior Medicine. 2018, 25: S121
Peiyuan Qiu, Eric D. Caine, Fengsu Hou, Catherine Cerulli, Marsha Wittink. Depression as seen through the eyes of rural Chinese women: Implications for help-seeking and the future of mental health care in China.Journal of Affective Disorders. 2018, 227:38-47
Hou. F, Cerulli, C.,Wittink, M. N., Eric D. Caine, E. D.,Qiu, P(通訊作者). Using Confirmatory Factor Analysis to Explore Associated Factors of Intimate Partner Violence in a Sample of Chinese Rural Women: A Cross-sectional Study. BMJ Open.2018Feb2;8(2):e019465
田帆,邱培媛,熊海,李玲燕,萬洋.成都市社區老年人跌倒發生現況及影響因素研究.現代預防醫學, 2017, (23): 4276-4280
Hou, F., Cerulli, C., Crean, H. F., Wittink, M. N., Caine, E. D., Chan, K. L.,Qiu, P.(通訊作者). Implementing a New Tool to Predict the Risk of Intimate Partner Violence in Rural China. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. 2017,Nov: doi 0886260517742152.
Yutian Lai, Jianhua Su, Peiyuan Qiu, Mingming Wang, Kun Zhou, Yuxin Tang, GuoweiChe. Systematic short-term pulmonary rehabilitation before lung cancer lobectomy: a randomized trial. nteractive CardioVascular and Thoracic Surgery. 2017,25(3): 476-483.
Mingyue Gao, Weihong Kuang,Peiyuan Qiu, Huali Wang, Min Yang. The time trends of cognitive impariment incidence among elderly Chinese in the community: based on the CLHLS cohorts from 1998 to 2014.Age and Aging. 2017,1;46(5):787-793
張娟,陳楠,唐衛衛,楊珉,邱培媛.老年癡呆幹預護理效果的系統文獻定性評價.中國老年學雜志.2017, 7(37):3577-3580.
唐雨欣,郭小牧,谯治蛟,邱培媛(通訊作者).北京、上海社區老年人跌倒現況及影響因素研究[J].中華疾病控制雜志, 2017, 21(1):72-76.
曾苗,萬洋,劉晗,邱培媛,張強.四川省富順縣農村老年人睡眠質量及其影響因素研究.現代預防醫學. 2017, 44(4): 688-691
Peiyuan Qiu,Eric D Caine, Fengsu Hou,Catherine Cerulli, Marsha N Wittink, Jin Li. The Prevalence of Distress and Depression among Women in Rural Sichuan Province.PLOS ONE. 2016, 11(8):e0161097
Dan Shan, Yayi Hu,Peiyuan Qiu, Bechu Shelley Mathew, Yun Chen, Si Li, Yuan Hu, Lijun Lin, Zhi Wang, Luping Li. Intrahepatic Cholestasis of Pregnancy in Women with Twin Pregnancy.Twin Research and Human Genetics. 2016, 19(6): 697-707
邱建青,周密,邱培媛,萬洋.匹茲堡睡眠質量指數用于農村老年人群的信效度分析.現代預防醫學. 2016, 43(10):1835-1838.
程亮亮,高明月,邱培媛,哈玉,趙寒秋.西部民族地區新農合運行現狀分析——以九寨溝縣為例.衛生經濟研究.2016,10: 29-33.
Fengsu Hou,Catherine Cerulli, Marsha N Wittink, Eric D Caine, Peiyuan Qiu (通訊作者). Depression,social support and associated factors among women living in rural China: a cross-sectional study. BMC Women’s Health. 2015, 15:28