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發布時間 :2024-01-04      來源 :       浏覽量 :

【基本情況】:博士、博士生導師、研究員,勞動衛生與環境衛生學系、衛生毒理與病理學系主任,兼任職業病醫學中心/職業病學教研室副主任、藥物/器械臨床試驗機構副主任、科研倫理委員會主任;國家“863”計劃青年科學家課題獲得者、四川省“衛生健康英才計劃”首席專家、澳门新葡萄新京威尼斯“好未來青年學者”,四川省醫學會職業病學專業委員會候任主委、四川省預防醫學會理事、工業衛生與職業病等雜志編委。主要從事重大職業病、器官纖維化疾病的進展機制與靶向幹預研究,相關研究成果在J Control Release, Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B, Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy, Journal of hazardous materials等雜志發表SCI論文(含特邀綜述)60餘篇,第一和通訊(含共同)20餘篇,多本國際知名雜志特邀審稿專家、編委。申請國家發明專利18項,獲授權9項,轉讓4項。作為負責人承擔了包括國家“863”計劃課題、國家重點研發計劃課題、“重大新藥創制”國家科技重大專項課題,國家自然科學基金青年及面上項目6項,其他省部級及橫向項目10餘項。












1.Zhao M, Wang M, Chen X, Gao Y, Chen Q, Wang L, Bao Q, Sun D, Du W, Xu Y, Xie L, Jiang X, Zhang L, Peng L, Zhang B*,Yao Y*: Targeting progranulin alleviated silica particles-induced pulmonary inflammation and fibrosis via decreasing Il-6 and Tgf-β1/Smad.Journal of hazardous materials2023, 465:133199.

2.Xu Y, Wang L, Qian R, Zhao M, Chen X, Sun D, Wang Y, Cheng W, Chen Y, He Q, Dai Y*,Yao Y*: Increased m6A-RNA methylation and demethylase FTO suppression is associated with silica-induced pulmonary inflammation and fibrosis.Toxicology2023, 500:153673.

3.Lu Y, Wang M, Zhao M, Zhang Q, Qian R, Hu Z, Ke Q, Yu L, Wang L, Lai Q, Liu Z, Jiang X, Zhang B, Yang J*,Yao Y*: Filamin A is overexpressed in non-alcoholic steatohepatitis and contributes to the progression of inflammation and fibrosis.Biochemical and biophysical research communications2023, 653:93-101.

4.Liu L, Zhang L, Chen X, Yang K, Cui H, Qian R, Zhao S, Wang L, Su X, Zhao M, Wang M, Hu Z, Lu T, Zhu Y, Zhou QQ*,Yao Y*: Design and synthesis of 1H-benzo[d]imidazole selective HDAC6 inhibitors with potential therapy for multiple myeloma.European journal of medicinal chemistry2023, 261:115833.

5.Zhao M, Wang L, Wang M, Zhou S, Lu Y, Cui H, Racanelli AC, Zhang L, Ye T, Ding B, Zhang B, Yang J*,Yao Y*: Targeting fibrosis, mechanisms and clinical trials.Signal transduction and targeted therapy2022, 7:206.

6.Zhao M, Wang L, Wang M, Bao Q, Qian R, Peng L, Fang A, Du W, Xie L, Zhang Z,Yao Y*, Zhang B*: Alveolar macrophage-derived progranulin mediated pro-inflammatory Il-6 expression via regulating Creb1 in silicosis model.Int Immunopharmacol2022, 107:108705.

7.Wang L, Zhao M, Qian R, Wang M, Bao Q, Chen X, Du W, Zhang L, Ye T, Xie Y, Zhang B, Peng L*,Yao Y*: Nicotinamide Mononucleotide Ameliorates Silica-Induced Lung Injury through the Nrf2-Regulated Glutathione Metabolism Pathway in Mice.Nutrients2022, 15.

8.Yao Y, Liu Z, Zhao M, Chen Z, Li P, Zhang Y, Wang Y, Zhao C, Long C, Chen X, Yang J: Design, synthesis and pharmacological evaluation of 4-(3-chloro-4-(3-cyclopropylthioureido)-2-fluorophenoxy)-7-methoxyquinoline-6-carboxamide (WXFL-152): a novel triple angiokinase inhibitor for cancer therapy.Acta pharmaceutica Sinica B2020, 10:1453-75.

9.Lai Q, Wang Y, Wang R, Lai W, Tang L, Tao Y, Liu Y, Zhang R, Huang L, Xiang H, Zeng S, Gou L, Chen H*,Yao Y*, Yang J: Design, synthesis and biological evaluation of a novel tubulin inhibitor 7a3 targeting the colchicine binding site.European journal of medicinal chemistry2018, 156:162-79.

10.Yao Y, Yu L, Su X, Wang Y, Li W, Wu Y, Cheng X, Zhang H, Wei X, Chen H, Zhang R, Gou L, Chen X, Xie Y, Zhang B, Zhang Y, Yang J, Wei Y: Synthesis, characterization and targeting chemotherapy for ovarian cancer of trastuzumab-SN-38 conjugates.Journal of controlled release2015, 220:5-17.

